Horus Heresy: The Reaving of Excidium: Part I – Incursion

10:00am, Saturday 1st March, 2025
$35.00 each
5 tickets left
After the bitter war of loyalty following Lord Marshal Kamsin’s death, Loyalist and Traitor both knew that control over Serenity and Excidium was tenuous at best. The planetary system was weak and ripe for invasion...
This event is part of a series of fun, friendly and hobby orientated events for players new and old to Horus Heresy played in Wellington and Auckland. The Auckland based events will serve as an escalation campaign designed for new players to join the hobby, and for old players to begin new forces should they wish to. Join the NZ Horus Heresy discord to find out more about this: https://discord.gg/ncUsfddTvG
Horus Heresy: The Reaving of Excidium: Part I – Incursion
Venue: Hobby Master Events Centre
Date: Saturday 1 March 2025
750pt Doubles (randomly allocated on the day)
2 rounds, 2.5hrs each
2 rounds, 2.5hrs each
Price: $35* (Includes pizza lunch)
*Early-bird offer: If you buy your ticket before 8th February 2025, you'll receive $10 store credit (activated on the day of the event).
Players will additionally recieve 10% off all Horus Heresy, Legion Imperialis and Adeptus Titanicus marked products on the day of the event. Please note doesn't apply to new releases, laybys or rainchecked items.
*Early-bird offer: If you buy your ticket before 8th February 2025, you'll receive $10 store credit (activated on the day of the event).
Players will additionally recieve 10% off all Horus Heresy, Legion Imperialis and Adeptus Titanicus marked products on the day of the event. Please note doesn't apply to new releases, laybys or rainchecked items.
Players Pack: https://bit.ly/Excidium1Pack