Legions Imperialis Game Day

10:30am, Saturday 22nd February, 2025
Legions Imperialis is the epic new way to play the Horus Heresy. We're inviting players to come and play small games of LI at 1k points as a slow-grow series of games days. Additionally if you're new to Legions Imperialis you can learn to play this brilliant game, or just chat with us on the day if you want to know more.
Got an old Epic army? You are welcome to play! For those with armies incompatible with the new version of the game, Xenos armies essentially, there are fan made LI rules. Links for those are below.
Fill out this form if you are attending: https://forms.gle/ajHGfmjVCVyQ6MJe9
Fan made LI Xenos rules:
Eldar and Orks