Hobbymaster News 8 10 18


Hey Hobbymasters! 

Welcome to the newest edition of the Hobbymaster News! 

You may have noticed that the Anime section of the product updates is missing. We’ve decided that since they come in so rarely, we’d just tell you rather than constantly updating the posts with an empty space.  

Last weekend we had our second HMCC and with the AMC’s help, Hive Hard! And before that we had the Guilds of Ravnica Pre-release. Hope you pulled all the cards you wanted! 

Congrats to Cayle McCreath, who, while a bit camera-shy, took first place at our second Modern HMCC! 

Speaking of pre-release and cards you wanted, hope everyone is ready for the Legendary Commander Club. It’s on tomorrow~ Make sure you’ve got those decks ready! 

In other, more competitive news, we’ve got our Standard PPTQ for Pro-tour London coming up shortly. $500 for the first place seems pretty good?! Make sure to come in, this format is going to be interesting 

Armageddon is coming up soon. This is a surprisingly expensive month... My wallet is crying. We’ll be running a bunch of sales for the Armageddon weekend, so make sure to come in and say hi! We’ll be sharing the space with the Final Fantasy TCG Learn-to-play booth, so if you want to try it out it’s the perfect time. 

Speaking of Armageddon, calling back to the first point about the anime, we’ve got in a HUGE new shipment of anime figures just waiting to be picked up from our stall at Armageddon. 

And our good friend Josh will be leaving our Hobbymaster team! So lucky... But don’t worry, someone's already there to fill in the gap. But that does leave us with other gaps. So, keep an eye out for our recruitment poster that’ll be popping up within the next few days! 


We’ll see you next time, 


The Hobbymaster Team 


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