This multipart plastic kit builds two majestic Great Eagles for use in The Eagles, Battle of the Five Armies, and Men of the West armies. Each is a powerful beast, able to bypass defenses and attack behind enemy lines, harry flanks, and take down priority targets. They can also be used to represent Fledgeling Great Eagles. This kit contains 16 plastic components, 2x Citadel 60mm Round Bases, 2x Citadel Small Flying Bases, and 4x Citadel Ball Socket Stems. These miniatures are supplied unassembled and unpainted.
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This multipart plastic kit builds 24 Rohan Warrior infantry, ideal for defending positions while the nimble cavalry attacks. They can be taken by a variety of Good armies, including Kingdom of Rohan, Defenders of Helm's Deep, Army of Edoras, Defenders of the Hornburg, Men of the West, and Realms of Men. They can also be used to represent an Evil Rohirrim Traitor unit. Well equipped and trained, they retain individual character without a formal uniform. Armed with a mix of weapons and gear, eight of them carry a spear and shield, another eight wield a mix of hand weapons and shields, and the last eight hold bows. The shields have a mix of Rohan-themed markings, and are fully interchangeable across the miniatures that can take them. This kit contains 182 plastic components and 24x Citadel 25mm Round Bases. These miniatures are supplied unassembled and unpainted.
4 in stock


This multipart plastic kit builds 24 Hill Tribesmen infantry, ideal for flooding the battlefield with overwhelming numbers. They can be taken in a variety of Evil armies, including the Army of the White Hand, Usurpers of Edoras, and Besiegers of the Hornburg, and they can also be used to represent the Wildmen of Dunland. As they're not part of a standing army, they're equipped with a mix of different types of weapons, some of them improvised. Eight of the models may carry spears or two-handed weapons, another eight can wield flaming brands or hand weapons, along with optional shields. The last eight can be armed with bows. This kit contains 226 plastic components and 24x Citadel 25mm Round Bases. These miniatures are supplied unassembled and unpainted – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
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This 176-page hardback rules manual is a comprehensive guide to the hobby of building, painting, and playing games with your miniatures – whether you choose the forces of Good or Evil. Contents: IntroductionAn overview of the wider hobby of collecting, painting, and playing with your miniatures. RulesThe core of the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game: – Code of Conduct and Basic Principles: A framework for players to adhere to, and a primer on the fundamental concepts and terms used in the manual. – Turn Sequence: Learn about the five phases – Priority, Movement, Shoot, Fight, which covers close combat, and Courage and Intelligence. – Unit Types: How Cavalry, Heroes, Monsters, Warbeasts, and Chariots work. – Weapons and Wargear: This section explains the variety of equipment available to your warriors, and the impact your choices will have on your tactical decisions. – Magic: This section explains targeting, casting, and resisting magical powers. – Special Rules: This section collects together 44 common Special Rules for easy reference. – Advanced Rules: Found in certain scenarios, these rules are handy when recreating scenes from the history of Middle-earth. – Siege Engines: Rules for fielding these immense threats, covering their movement, firing, upgrades, and crew (and their ability to launch severed heads as ammunition…). – Sieges: Throughout the history of Middle-earth, many sieges have taken place – these are the basic rules for creating your own sieges with your models. Narrative PlayRecreate your favourite battles and scenes from the movies! These scenarios are also great to play as part of a campaign, where you can re-enact a chain of events, from short scenarios, to massive Sieges. Matched PlayIn Matched Play games, you and your opponent gather your forces of heroes and warriors from your collection, up to an agreed points limit, before unleashing your armies for the fate of Middle-earth. ScenariosThis section includes six Matched Play Scenarios, each with their own layout, starting positions, initial priority, objectives, victory points, and special rules. Model ShowcasePhotography of armies and miniatures playable in the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game. IndexThe Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game Rules manual concludes with an alphabetised rules Index for readers to reference and quickly find the rules they need during games.
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This 160-page hardback gaming supplement features over 120 profiles, 15 forces of Good Army lists, and 7 forces of Evil Army lists for all your favourite heroes and villains from The Hobbit™. Contents: Forces of Good: Unit profiles, special rules, wargear, options, and Heroic Actions for the following units.– 41x Dwarven Holds profiles– 16x Kingdoms of Men profiles– 17x Elven Kingdoms profiles– 8x Free Peoples profiles Good Army Lists: Photography, background information, army composition, additional rules, and special rules for the following 15 armies – Thorin's Company, Army of Thrór, Iron Hills, Erebor Reclaimed, Army of Lake-Town, Survivors of Lake-Town, Garrison of Dale, Erebor & Dale, Rivendell, Halls of Thranduil, Rangers of Mirkwood, The Battle of Five Armies, Radagast's Alliance, and The White Council. Forces of Evil: Unit profiles, special rules, wargear, options, and Heroic Actions for the following units.– 24x Gundabad and Dol Guldur profiles– 9x Misty Mountains profiles– 1x Smaug profile Evil Army Lists: Photography, background information, army composition, and additional rules for the following 7 armies – Army of Gundabad, Pits of Dol Guldur, Azog's Hunters, Rise of the Necromancer, Goblin-Town, The Three Trolls, and Desolator of the North. You will need a copy of the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game Rules Manual, available separately, to use this gaming supplement.
2 in stock


This 240-page hardback gaming supplement features over 150 profiles, 27 forces of Good Army Lists, and 19 forces of Evil Army Lists for all your favourite heroes and villains from The Lord of the Rings™: Motion Picture Trilogy and The War of the Rohirrim™. Contents: Forces of Good: Unit profiles, special rules, wargear, options, and Heroic Actions for the following units.– 25x Free Peoples profiles– 22x Rohan profiles– 25x Gondor profiles– 15x Elven Kingdoms profiles Good Army Lists: Photography, background information, army composition, additional rules, and special rules for the following 27 armies – The Fellowship, The Shire, Road to Rivendell, Breaking of the Fellowship, Kingdom of Rohan, Road to Helm's Deep, Defenders of Helm's Deep, Ride Out, Riders of Éomer, Riders of Théoden, Army of Edoras, Defenders of the Hornburg, Minas Tirith, Garrison of Ithilien, Reclamation of Osgiliath, Atop the Walls, Return of the King, Defenders of the Pelennor, Men of the West, Númenor, Lindon, Rivendell, The Last Alliance, Lothlórien, Fangorn, The Eagles, and Realms of Men. Forces of Evil: Unit profiles, special rules, wargear, options, and Heroic Actions for the following units.– 25x Mordor profiles– 23x Isengard profiles– 8x Hill Tribes profiles– 5x Misty Mountains profiles– 8x Fallen Realms profiles Evil Army Lists: Photography, background information, army composition, and additional rules for the following 19 armies – Barad-dûr, The Black Riders, Wraiths on Wings, Army of Gothmog, Legions of Mordor, Minas Morgul, Cirith Ungol, The Black Gate, Army of the White Hand, Lutz's Scouts, Uglúk's Scouts, Wolves of Isengard, Muster of Isengard, Assault Upon Helm's Deep, Usurpers of Edoras, Besiegers of the Hornburg, Depths of Moria, Harad, and Corsair Fleets. You will need a copy of the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game Rules Manual, available separately, to use this gaming supplement.
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The War of the Rohirrim – Battle of Edoras, is the ideal way to begin, or continue, your adventures in Middle-earth. Take command of the mighty warriors of Rohan, or the bitter and aggressive tribesmen of the hills, both led by characterful heroes, and reenact your favourite scenes from The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim™. This box contains 56 miniatures split into two balanced armies – one Good, one Evil – and everything you need to play, including a rules manual, dice, and accessories. The Miniatures The Forces of Good– 1x Haleth, Prince of Rohan on foot– 1x Haleth, Prince of Rohan mounted on an armoured horse– 1x Háma, Prince of Rohan on foot– 1x Háma, Prince of Rohan mounted on a horse– 24x Warriors of Rohan, armed with a mix of spears, hand weapons, shields, and bows The Forces of Evil– 1x Wulf, High Lord of the Hill Tribes on foot– 1x Wulf, High Lord of the Hill Tribes mounted on a horse– 1x General Targg on foot– 1x General Targg mounted on a horse– 24x Hill Tribesman, armed with a mix of weapons, flaming brands, and bows The Scenery– 2 sets of modular Rohan Houses, building two large pieces, plus a variety of accessories and fences The RulesThis box contains the complete, unabridged 176-page hardback Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game Rules Manual, covering both Narrative and Matched Play games with your Middle-earth miniatures. Everything from the basic fundamentals of movement and combat, through to fielding siege engines and casting magical powers is here, in an updated format, plus photos of beautifully-painted armies to inspire you! The box also contains a 48-page booklet containing all the scenarios and profiles you need to recreate the Battle of Edoras with your miniatures. Four Scenarios allow you to play through a linked mini campaign – The First Assault, The Gates Fall, Torch the City, and Last Stand of the Princes. For full unit profiles, you'll need a copy of Armies of The Lord of The Rings, available separately. The Accessories– 12 6-sided dice in two colours– 1x range ruler– 1x 3'x3' square double-sided play mat– 2x Quick Reference Guides This kit contains 678 plastic components, and 2 Citadel 40mm Round Bases with Hex Holes and 52x Citadel 25mm Round Bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
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A Middle-earth™ Adventure Game Hunt for the Arkenstone is a cooperative board game based on famous scenes from The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies™. Players each take on the role of one of Thorin Oakenshield's Company of Dwarves and Hobbits. They must work together, scouring the lands of Middle-earth in search of the precious Arkenstone before returning it to the throne room of Erebor. You will need to venture to all corners of Middle-earth, relying on your unique abilities and the help of your allies, as you attempt to recover the King's Jewel. As you traverse Middle-earth, you will find useful items to aid you in your quest. However, the vile Azgog and his band of vicious Orcs are pursuing our brave heroes, and will stop at nothing to capture them. The Hunt for the Arkenstone is a legendary undertaking for Thorin Oakenshield and Company. This boxed set recreates the iconic scene as a complete game in a single box and is perfect for any Middle-earth fan. Contains:– 15x Thorin Oakenshield and Company miniatures, cast in gold plastic– Thorin Oakenshield– Balin the Dwarf– Dori the Dwarf– Óin the Dwarf– Glóin the Dwarf– Nori the Dwarf– Ori the Dwarf– Kíli the Dwarf– Fíli the Dwarf– Dwalin the Dwarf– Bombur the Dwarf– Bofur the Dwarf– Bifur the Dwarf– Bilbo Baggins– Gandalf the Grey Also includes:– 1x eight-page rules booklet– 25x double-sided tokens– 1x Hunt for the Arkenstone 840mm x 560mm game board– 3x gloss white D6 dice– 15x character cards– 15x turn sequence cards– 40x event cards– 40x location cards– 40x item cards All models come with their appropriate bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints. The miniatures included with this game can also be used in games of the Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game, and rules for them can be found in the Armies of The Hobbit™ book, which is available separately. © 2024 New Line Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King and the names of the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises under license to New Line Productions, Inc. © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY, THE HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG, THE HOBBIT: THE BATTLE OF THE FIVE ARMIES and the names of the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises under license to New Line Productions, Inc. (s24)
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This plastic boxed set contains 34 components, with which to build 24 Mordor Orcs: 8 with hand weapon and shield, 8 with spear, 4 with two-handed weapon, and 4 with Orc bow. This set comes with 24 25mm round bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.
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This plastic boxed set contains 40 components, with which to build 24 Morannon Orcs: 12 with hand weapon and shield, and 12 with spear and shield. This set comes with 24 25mm round bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly
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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring™ – Battle in Balin's Tomb is your chance to defend or destroy the Fellowship in an exciting, fast-paced game with easy-to-learn rules for two or more players. Gather friends and family members to take control of the Fellowship and reenact one of the greatest moments in The Lord of the Rings™ The Fellowship of the Ring, with games taking just 45 minutes to play. The Fellowship are mighty, but their Moria Goblin foes are unpredictable, with their actions randomly determined by drawing cards from the Goblin Deck. No two games are quite the same! This board game set contains: – 22 Citadel miniatures, including Gandalf the Grey, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Boromir, Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, 12 Moria Goblins, and a Cave Troll – An 8-page rules booklet – Detailed Balin's Tomb gaming board – 13 Character cards with stats for the Fellowship, Moria Goblins, and Cave Troll – 20-card Goblin Deck to determine the Moria Goblins' behaviour – Tokens, dice, and a turn counter The miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Paints. © 2021 New Line Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King and the names of the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises under license to New Line Productions, Inc. © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY, THE HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG, THE HOBBIT: THE BATTLE OF THE FIVE ARMIES and the names of the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises under license to New Line Productions, Inc. (s20)
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Key Features Create your very own Gondor Tower with a ruined or removeable roof Plastic modular scenery for your heroes and warriors to fight over Combine with other kits to create a Gondor themed battlefield Gondor was the most prominent kingdom of Men in Middle-earth. This battle-hardened realm was bordered by Mordor to the east, and stood as a bulwark against the shadow for thousands of years. While Minas Tirith was Gondor's capital in the Third Age, Osgiliath stood as its original capital, although the city would soon fall into ruin. As the War of the Ring raged throughout Gondor itself, many townships and outposts would follow in its wake.This multipart plastic kit builds a Gondor Tower – a mighty spire of wrought stone, with wooden doors reinforced by iron. This tower stands roughly 12 inches tall, and can be built with one, two, or three doors. You can assemble the top of the tower in ruins – as though destroyed by a catapult or crumbled by time – with additional ruins to arrange at its base. Alternatively, you can build the tower with an intact domed roof, which is designed to be assembled without glue, allowing you to remove it and battle in its interior during gameplay. Either way, the detailed rooftop has ample room to place your miniatures inside.This kit comprises 54 plastic components. This scenery is supplied unpainted and requires assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
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This multipart plastic kit builds a Gondor Mansion – a grand construction that showcases the kingdom's masonry skills, with wooden doors reinforced by iron and small details such as stunning filigree adorning the balcony’s bannister. Its archways have been designed with miniatures in mind, allowing infantry models to move through them and fight easily, while those with larger bases, such as monsters or cavalry, cannot pass through. The mansion's roof is designed to be assembled without glue, allowing you to remove it and battle in its interior during gameplay.The Gondor Mansion is modular, allowing you to assemble the kit in a variety of ways to create your own scenery, or combine multiple kits to create an even larger building or estate. This kit comprises 188 plastic components. This scenery is supplied unpainted and requires assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
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This multipart plastic kit builds a set of Gondor Ruins – stone buildings shattered by time or warfare, featuring the elegant masonry of Gondor with ornate knotwork designs, arched windows, and wooden doors braced with iron. The kit creates two separate buildings, each of which can be built as single-storey ruins, or given a second storey over which your warriors can fight and your archers can fire, adding depth, breadth, and height to your battlefield. The Gondor Ruins are modular, allowing you to assemble the kit in a variety of ways to create your own scenery, or combine multiple kits to create even more complex ruins.
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This multipart plastic The Fellowship of the Ring set contains nine wonderfully sculpted plastic figures - Gandalf the Grey, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Boromir and the Hobbits, Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin - as well as one Ring Priority Marker. Each of these miniatures stand ready for combat - with swords, axe, staff and even a sturdy frying pan in hand and ready to strike the enemy. Garbed in an array of items, from elegant, flowing cloaks to sturdy chainmail, these incredibly dynamic The Fellowship of the Ring models will make an excellent addition to any The Lord of the Rings collection. This box set contains 13 components and ten 25mm Round Bases with which to make The Fellowship of the Ring as well as one Ring Priority Marker. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly - we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Paints.
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This plastic boxed set contains 32 components, with which to build 20 Uruk-hai Warriors: 10 with sword and shield, and 10 with pike. This set comes with 20 25mm round bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly - we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Paints.
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This box set contains 6 plastic Warg Riders, including 2 with spear, 2 with bow and 2 with sword. Models supplied with 40mm round bases.
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This box set contains 6 plastic Knights of Minas Tirith in 30 components, armed with lances and shields. Models supplied with 40mm round bases.
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This plastic boxed set contains 54 components, with which to build 20 Easterling Warriors: 8 with sword and shield, 8 with bow, and 4 with spear and shield. This set comes with 20 25mm round bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly
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Thorin's Company is a remarkably detailed collection of Dwarves – Thorin Oakenshield, Balin the Dwarf, Dori the Dwarf, Oin the Dwarf, Gloin the Dwarf, Nori the Dwarf, Ori the Dwarf, Kili the Dwarf, Fili the Dwarf, Dwalin the Dwarf, Bombur the Dwarf, Bofur the Dwarf and Bifur the Dwarf. Each model carries a unique piece of weaponry – Thorin Oakenshield brandishes a sword while for the rotund Bombur the Dwarf, a ladle and meat cleaver will do the job nicely. Bilbo Baggins is a miniature of exquisite detailing, and he comes with two variant arms – with one he is gripping Sting and with the other variant he holds his walking staff. The splendiferous Gandalf the Grey is posed reaching forward, leaning upon his staff, and wearing a long robe, a scarf and sword – and not forgetting his iconic pointy hat. This kit comes in 28 plastic components, and includes 15 25mm round bases.
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