Celebrating 30 years of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle, we present a re-imagining of a classic deck archetype for the Toreador clan:
– a 100 card preconstructed deck, “The Endless Dance”– an extra 20 cards, including new Camarilla Justicars, Kindred of renown, and key reprints
The preconstructed deck includes not just reprints, but also entirely new crypt cards and several new library cards bolstering the political aspect of the game. It is also suitable for new players looking to start with a ready-made deck that explores the dealings, negotiations, and machinations of the Eternal Struggle. The deck is ready for play out of the box or customisable with other Vampire: The Eternal Struggle cards. Each player needs a deck to play.
Contents are detailed below. The number before each card is the number of copies of that card in the deck.
Crypt (12 cards):3 François Villon (G6) (NEW)3 Diana Iadanza (NEW)1 Marcos Belegrad (NEW)2 Modius (NEW)1 Silvian Popescu (NEW)1 Valentina Osako (NEW)1 Kazuki Hanabira (NEW)
Library (88 cards):1 Art Museum2 Camarilla Conclave (NEW)1 Dreams of the Sphinx1 Elysium: The Palace of Versailles1 Giant’s Blood2 Information Highway1 Louvre, París, The6 Toreador Grand Ball6 Villein1 Wider View6 Zillah’s Valley
1 Judgment: Camarilla Segregation
1 Ancient Influence1 Ancilla Empowerment2 Banishment5 Camarilla’s Iron Fist (NEW)1 Confiscation (NEW)2 Kine Resources Contested6 Parity Shift1 Political Stranglehold1 Reinforcements1 Reins of Power
2 Awe2 Business Pressure (NEW ART)2 Perfect Paragon6 Loup (NEW)6 Voter Captivation
2 Charismatic Aura6 Majesty
2 Eyes of Argus2 My Enemy’s Enemy2 On the Qui Vive2 Second Tradition: Domain4 Telepathic Misdirection
Crypt (13 cards):2 Annabelle Triabell (Group 6) (NEW)1 Dónal O’Connor (Group 6) (NEW)2 Ian Carfax (NEW) (Tremere Justicar)2 Juliet Parr (NEW) (Malkavian Justicar)2 Lucinde, Alastor (Group 7) (NEW) (Ventrue Justicar)2 Molly MacDonald (NEW) (Nosferatu Justicar)2 Nikolaus Vermeulen (Group 6) (NEW)
LIBRARY (7 cards)1 Alastor1 Anathema1 Banu Haqim Justicar (NEW)1 Lasombra Justicar (NEW)1 Protected Resources1 Pulled Fangs1 Third Tradition: Progeny (NEW ART)
0 in stock
The Ravnos are nomadic vampires, always staying one step ahead of the doom that lurks in their blood to preserve their lineage. These daredevils and tricksters seek risks in unlife and are often hired for espionage and sabotage, fitting well with their mastery of disguise and distraction.
This deck is about charm and misdirection. Your vampires use their powers of Obfuscate and Presence to distract and manipulate foes, undermining their power. For protection you rely on animal spies and guards, and yet more illusions to turn even the mightiest threat completely harmless.
This is a deck with 77 library cards and 12 crypt cards, ready for play out of the box or customizable with other Vampire: The Eternal Struggle cards. Each player needs a deck to play.
Contents are detailed below. The number before each card is the number of copies of that card in the deck.
Crypt (12)1 Doc Martina (NEW)1 Gathii (NEW)1 Roberto Rivamonte (NEW)1 Jean-François (NEW)1 Luciano Carvalho (NEW)1 Oleg Kaprizov (NEW)1 Phaibun (NEW)1 Roy (NEW)2 Sreelekha (NEW)1 Trung Chau Pham (NEW)1 Zafira (NEW)
Library (77)1 Archon Investigation3 Blood Doll1 Club Illusion1 Fortune Teller Shop1 Garibaldi-Meucci Museum1 Park Hunting Ground1 Powerbase: Los Angeles1 Week of Nightmares
8 Break the Bonds (NEW)1 Entrancement
1 Shilmulo Tarot1 Treasured Samadji
1 City Star Taxi4 Feral Hound (NEW)
4 Cloak the Gathering4 Lost in Crowds4 Swallowed By the Night3 Veil the Legions4 Visions of Gehenna (NEW)
2 Pack Alpha4 Majesty2 Voracious Vermin (NEW)
4 Guard Dogs4 Cats’ Guidance4 On the Qui Vive4 Protection Racket4 Night Terrors (NEW)4 Visions of Zapathasura (NEW)
2 in stock
The Salubri are warriors and healers who tread the path of Golconda – ultimate redemption from the Kindred curse. But with this path comes suspicion and persecution, as the power to heal brings with it the power to harm. They are both hunters and hunted in their pursuit of enlightenment.
This deck relies on vigilance and protection. Your vampires use their powers of Auspex to foresee enemy moves and Fortitude to make their bodies nigh-indestructible in combat. When the time is right, you launch upon your prey, using mind-swaying Dominate powers to damage your foes.
This is a deck with 77 library cards and 12 crypt cards, ready for play out of the box or customizable with other Vampire: The Eternal Struggle cards. Each player needs a deck to play.
Contents are detailed below. The number before each card is the number of copies of that card in the deck.
2 Abaddon (NEW)1 Aniel (NEW)1 Castellan (NEW)1 Dominica (NEW)1 Ilonka (NEW)2 Malachi (NEW)1 Opikun (NEW)1 Sakhar (NEW)1 Seraphina (NEW)1 Yael (NEW)
1 Anarch Troublemaker2 Blood Doll1 Guardian Angel1 KRCG News Radio1 Meditative Grove (NEW)1 Powerbase: Montreal1 Saulot’s Avenging Fist (NEW)1 Saulot’s Guiding Wisdom (NEW)1 Saulot’s Healing Touch (NEW)2 Vessel
4 Govern the Unaligned4 Feast of the Soul’s Secrets (NEW)
1 Bowl of Convergence1 Ivory Bow1 Sword of the Archangel (NEW)
4 Bonding4 Forced Confessional (NEW)4 Freak Drive2 Seduction4 Unleashing the Bestial Soul (NEW)
3 Hidden Strength3 Indomitability2 Rolling with the Punches3 Touch of Valeren (NEW)4 Weighted Walking Stick
3 Deflection2 Delaying Tactics2 Eagle’s Sight2 Enhanced Senses4 Eyes of Argus2 My Enemy’s Enemy2 On the Qui Vive4 Telepathic Misdirection
3 in stock
The Tzimisce were once noble tyrants of Eastern Europe, but in modern nights they covet power worldwide. For them control is all. They aim to take what you thought was yours and then jealously guard their possessions like a dragon guards its hoard.
This deck is a versatile toolbox. Your vampires use mind-altering Dominate powers to gain influence and undermine opponents. In combat they can turn into bats or mist to escape, or rework their bodies into monstrous forms to seriously wreck their foes. For defense you rely on animal spies and hideous ghoul servants.
This is a deck with 77 library cards and 12 crypt cards, ready for play out of the box or customizable with other Vampire: The Eternal Struggle cards. Each player needs a deck to play.
Contents are detailed below. The number before each card is the number of copies of that card in the deck.
2 Adrino Manauara (NEW)2 Ángel Guerrero (NEW)2 Branimira (NEW)1 Neserian (NEW)1 Clara Hjortshøj (NEW)1 Whisper (NEW)1 Marialena (NEW)1 Prentis Derby (NEW)1 Susie Kano (NEW)
1 Anarch Revolt1 Anarch Free Press, The1 Barrens, The3 Blood Doll1 Haven Uncovered1 Library Hunting Ground1 Papillon2 Piper
2 Childe of the Revolution1 Constant Revolution6 Govern the Unaligned
3 Revenant1 Homunculus
2 Underbridge Stray1 Vozhd of Sofia (NEW)2 War Ghoul
1 Living Manse
3 Foreshadowing Destruction3 Earth Control3 Invigorate (NEW)
3 Form of Mist2 Form of the Bat4 Monstrous Form (NEW)4 Obedient Flesh (NEW)4 Sculpt the Flesh (NEW)
3 Bait and Switch4 Cats’ Guidance3 Deflection4 One With the Land (NEW)4 On the Qui Vive3 Organized Resistance
5 in stock
Pack of 50 Blood Tokens and Edge token.
2 in stock
50 Theo Bell sleeves per pack.
1 in stock
50 Faceless Night sleeves per pack.
1 in stock
“The last Prince of Berlin died in the street, torn apart by an angry mob of Anarchs. That’s something to think about if you believe that the Camarilla is forever, or that the young, naive Kindred of the Anarch Movement can never present a real threat.”– Vampire: The Masquerade Fifth Edition Camarilla Sourcebook
This set is a fixed assortment of 54 cards to add to your Vampire: The Eternal Struggle collection. It contains reprints of crypt cards previously only available in the exclusive Berlin Anthology set, as well as some other powerful, sought after cards.
The contents are detailed below. The number before each card is the number of copies of that card in the bundle.
Crypt:10 Andre the Manipulator10 Anne-Marie Bourgeois, Inconnu Recruiter10 Hamid Mansour10 Laura Goldman10 Weirich Waldburg
Library:1 Aranthebes, The Immortal1 Golconda: Inner Peace1 The Line1 Twilight Camp
Total 54 cards
1 in stock
New Blood is a collection of five 55-card preconstructed decks for introductory games of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. These decks are simpler than tournament level decks, but showcase all the basic mechanics of the game. They are balanced, for a fun and exciting first try of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. Some of the cards included are reprints and some are new for this set, all ready to mix with cards from other sets.
Clan Banu Haqim spawns from an ancient bloodline of warriors, sorcerers and assassins. Now they are pillars of law and tradition in vampiric society, although they are not immune to intrigue and political disputes.
With this deck you use a combination of stealth, threats and violence to triumph. Your vampires have both high political status and excellent combat skills.
Contents are detailed below. The number before each card is the number of copies of that card in the deck.
Crypt (6 cards)1 Arjun Shah (NEW)1 Farah Sarroub2 Kasim Bayar1 Oluwafunmilayo (NEW)1 Warmaksan
Library (48 cards)1 Alamut1 Black Throne, The2 Grooming the Protégé1 Haqim’s Law: Retribution1 The Khabar: Community2 Priority Contract1 Yoruba Shrine
2 Fourth Tradition: The Accounting3 Hunter’s Mark1 Judgment: Camarilla Segregation2 Khabar: Glory
1 Archon1 Banishment2 Parity Shift
1 Kali’s Fang
1 Closed Session (NEW ART)
3 Resist Earth’s Grasp2 Swallowed by the Night
2 Blur6 Hunger of Marduk2 Lightning Reflexes2 Side Strike1 Weather Control1 Wind Dance
1 Elder Intervention (NEW ART)1 On the Qui Vive4 Second Tradition: Domain
Note: Cellophane wrapped only – no tuckbox.
0 in stock
New Blood is a collection of five 55-card preconstructed decks for introductory games of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. These decks are simpler than tournament level decks, but showcase all the basic mechanics of the game. They are balanced, for a fun and exciting first try of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. Some of the cards included are reprints and some are new for this set, all ready to mix with cards from other sets.
The feral Gangrel clan are shapeshifters and beast whisperers. Most of them roam the outskirts of society, only interfering in vampiric politics to use sharp claws to safeguard their freedom.
This deck focuses on defense and attrition to take control over the game. Your vampires know how to hinder enemy actions and escape every battle unharmed.
Contents are detailed below. The number before each card is the number of copies of that card in the deck.
Crypt (6 cards)1 Casey Snyder1 Hanna Nokelainen1 Keegan (NEW)1 Kuyén1 Massimiliano1 Ragnar Nordstrom (NEW)
Library (48 cards)3 Blood Doll1 Gangrel Revel1 Giant’s Blood1 Protean1 Powerbase: Montreal1 Smiling Jack, The Anarch
1 Army of Rats2 Deep Song1 Rewilding5 Thing
1 Dog Pack2 Raptor
2 Earth Control1 Monkey Wrench
3 Form of the Bat
1 Body Flare3 Earth Meld2 Flesh of Marble2 Form of Mist2 Pack Alpha (NEW ART)1 Wolf Claws
2 Bait and Switch3 Deep Ecology3 Eyes of the Wild3 Organized Resistance
Note: Cellophane wrapped only – no tuckbox.
1 in stock
New Blood is a collection of five 55-card preconstructed decks for introductory games of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. These decks are simpler than tournament level decks, but showcase all the basic mechanics of the game. They are balanced, for a fun and exciting first try of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. Some of the cards included are reprints and some are new for this set, all ready to mix with cards from other sets.
The Ministry is a vampire clan of temptation. They delight in sin, pushing boundaries to the extreme and use deceptive powers to draw unsuspecting victims into doing their bidding.
This mischievous deck forsakes defense for strong offense. Your vampire minions use politics, entrancement and Anarch trickery to damage your enemies, and evade getting captured by use of mind-tricks and shape-changing.
Contents are detailed below. The number before each card is the number of copies of that card in the deck.
Crypt (6 cards)1 “Coach” Tyrone Soros1 Crystal Lynn1 Elisha Tucker1 Marcel1 Sergio Bueno (NEW)1 Vivian VI
Library (48 cards)1 Anarch Railroad1 Cave of Apples2 Dabbler1 Ferraille1 Garibaldi-Meucci Museum1 Obfuscate2 Villein
5 Platinum Protocol, The1 Propaganda2 Waters of Duat
1 Anarch Salon2 Reckless Agitation1 Revolutionary Council
1 Homunculus
1 Elder Impersonation2 Enchanting Gaze1 Faceless Night1 Lost in Crowds3 Revelation of the Serpent2 Voter Captivation
2 Form of the Cobra2 Rapid Change1 Swallowed by the Night
3 Form of Mist
2 Bait and Switch2 On the Qui Vive4 Party Out Of Bounds
Note: Cellophane wrapped only – no tuckbox.
0 in stock
New Blood is a collection of five 55-card preconstructed decks for introductory games of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. These decks are simpler than tournament level decks, but showcase all the basic mechanics of the game. They are balanced, for a fun and exciting first try of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. Some of the cards included are reprints and some are new for this set, all ready to mix with cards from other sets.
Clan Brujah were once great philosophers and feared warriors in vampiric society. In modern nights they are known as troublemakers, always quick to violence when words are not enough.
This deck relies on a combination of political shrewdness and Anarch tactics, and the supernatural strength and speed of your vampires will deter any opposition.
Languages: English, French, SpanishSKU: BCP044, FR044, ES044MSRP: €12 / $13
Contents are detailed below. The number before each card is the number of copies of that card in the deck.
Crypt (6 cards)1 Aline Gädeke1 Anita Wainwright (NEW)1 Brandon Grime1 Leumeah1 Saku Pihlajamäki (NEW)1 Valeriya Zinovieva
Library (48 cards)3 Brujah Debate1 Celerity1 Libertas1 New Carthage1 Oxford University, England1 Powerbase: Los Angeles2 Villein
2 Childe of the Revolution (NEW)3 Line Brawl1 Open War2 Make the Misere2 Public Trust
3 Consanguineous Boon1 Disputed Territory1 Neonate Breach
1 Stolen Police Cruiser
3 Diversion (NEW ART)1 Disarm4 Dust Up3 Immortal Grapple2 Taste of Vitae
2 Bait and Switch5 Organized Resistance2 Protection Racket
Note: Cellophane wrapped only – no tuckbox.
4 in stock
The vampiric society of London trembles. Mithras, ancient Kindred god-ruler of Britain, has returned to claim his domain. Will you join his cult, or will you dare to defy his plans? At the same time the Second Inquisition launches a massive operation to hunt down and destroy the city’s undead residents. Are these your final nights, or can you use this crisis to gain advantage over your enemies?
This set is a fixed assortment of 40 crypt cards and 14 library cards for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle, all brand new, never printed before, ready to mix with other cards for the game to construct your own deck (each player needs a deck to play).
Contents are detailed below. The number before each card is the number of copies of that card in the deck.
Crypt cards (40)2 Abraham Mellon2 Adelino da Silva2 Adisa2 Ayse Dhanial2 Chun Hei2 Daria2 Darius Shirazi2 The Guardian2 Gwenllian Arwyn2 Lady Scarlett Churchill2 Mickey Wheeler2 Mithras2 Oskar Anasov2 Queen Anne2 Regina Blake2 Richard de Worde2 Rose Abawi2 Rowena2 Sri Sansa2 Valerius
Library cards (14)2 ECTU Operative2 Enhanced Coagulant1 Michael Harris, the Incinerator3 Mithraic Cultist1 Mobile HQ, Operation Antigen1 Ritual Goblet1 The British Museum, London1 The Mithraeum, London1 The Shard, London1 Valerie Diaz, Antigen Commander
Total: 54 cards
0 in stock
The firm hand rules all
The Camarilla is an exclusive organization of vampires that speaks for and legislates its members all over the world (at least, in theory). Bound by a number of Traditions detailing the creation, behavior and destruction of Kindred, the sect also strives to hide to existence of all vampire activity from mortal eyes. This deception, called the Masquerade, is at the core of the Camarilla’s existence; the struggle to universally uphold the Masquerade is what drives much of the sect’s policy and direction.
This set is a fixed assortment of 120 cards for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle – 33 library cards and 87 crypt cards of clans Brujah, Gangrel, Malkavian and Nosferatu. All were first created for the original Keepers of Tradition expansion 2008, since long out of print and in great demand among players.
Note: One of the crypt cards, Osric Vladislav, was left out of the original Keepers of Tradition print run and is here available for the first time.
Contents are detailed below. The number before each card is the number of copies of that card in the bundle.
BRUJAH2 Adana de Sforza1 Carlak2 Dmitra Ilyanova1 Don Caravelli1 Don Cerro1 Garret2 Gracetius1 Herbert Westin1 Honest Abe1 Jann Berger2 Karen Suadela1 Lynn Thompson1 Paul Calderone1 Reginald Moore2 Tara2 Themistocles1 Tomaine
GANGREL2 Ariadne1 Bernard, the Scourge2 Fakir al Sidi1 Fergus Alexander1 Gunnar1 Gwyedd1 Lillian1 Lisé2 Mictlantecuhtli1 Randall1 Rathmere1 Robert Price1 Shiloh Marie, Vengeance2 Talbot2 Viktor, The Night General
MALKAVIAN1 Aleister Crowley2 Ankou, The1 Arthur Denholm1 Bela1 Bloody Mary1 Cassandra Langely, The Waif1 Florentina Lengauer2 Gem Ghastly1 Kalila1 Keller Thiel1 Lord Fianna2 Lutz von Hohenzollern1 Morel2 Osric Vladislav1 Reiner Stoschka2 Santaleous1 Tryphosa2 Unmada
NOSFERATU2 Alonso Petrodon2 Baron Dieudonne1 Beetleman1 Benjamin Rose1 Federico di Padua1 Foureyes2 Gustaphe Brunnelle1 Harold Tanner1 Jeremy Wix Wyzchovsky2 Josef von Bauren1 Nichodemus1 Ruxandra2 Sergei Voshkov, The Eye1 Slag1 Zelios
Crypt cards subtotal: 87
2 Becoming, The1 Childling Muse1 Dark Influences2 Dark Mirror of the Mind2 Deep Song2 Eyes of the Beast2 Heroic Might2 Horseshoes2 Loki’s Gift2 Neonate Breach1 New Carthage1 Nocturn Theater2 No Trace2 Old Friends1 Papillon1 Tainted Spring2 Touch of Clarity2 Villein1 Warsaw Station2 Wrong and Crosswise
Library cards subtotal: 33
Grand total: 120
0 in stock
The firm hand rules all
The Camarilla is an exclusive organization of vampires that speaks for and legislates its members all over the world (at least, in theory). Bound by a number of Traditions detailing the creation, behavior and destruction of Kindred, the sect also strives to hide to existence of all vampire activity from mortal eyes. This deception, called the Masquerade, is at the core of the Camarilla’s existence; the struggle to universally uphold the Masquerade is what drives much of the sect’s policy and direction.
This set is a fixed assortment of 120 cards for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle – 35 library cards and 85 crypt cards of clans Toreador, Tremere, Ventrue and the outcast Caitiff. All were first created for the original Keepers of Tradition expansion 2008, since long out of print and in great demand among players.
Note: Two of the crypt cards, Gwendolyn Fleming and Hiram “Hide” DeVries, were left out of the original Keepers of Tradition print run and are here made available for the first time.
Contents are detailed below. The number before each card is the number of copies of that card in the bundle.
CAITIFF1 Alex Wilkins1 César Holfield1 Count Zaroff1 Donald Cargill1 Dr. Solomon Grey1 Freddy Gage1 Iris Bennett1 Johan Wrede1 Walker Grimes
TOREADOR2 Allanyan Serata2 Andre LeRoux2 Bethany Ray2 Epikasta Rigatos1 Eugene2 Gwendolyn Fleming1 Kateline Nadasdy1 Lindsay Yates1 Masdela2 Montecalme2 Philippe de Marseilles2 Rafael de Corazon1 Sean Andrews1 Sheva Carr1 Thomas De Lutrius2 Tyler McGill1 Vasily
TREMERE1 Aidan Lyle2 Andrew Stuart1 Claus Wegener2 Dr. John Dee1 Ezra Hawthorne1 Frank Weisshadel2 Gabrielle di Righetti2 Gerald Windham1 Lord Ephraim Wainwright1 MacAlister Marshall1 Miguel Cordovera2 Mistress Fanchon2 Rutor1 Tarrence Moore1 Troius1 William Thorbecke2 Zane
VENTRUE1 Beth Malcolm2 Bulscu1 Emily Carson2 Graham Gottesman2 Gotsdam, The Tired Warrior1 Gustav Breidenstein2 Hardestadt2 Hiram “Hide” DeVries1 Jack Tredegar1 Jackson Asher1 João Bilé1 Johannes Castelein1 Joseph DiGiaccomo2 Lodin (Olaf Holte)2 Mary Anne Blaire1 Pedrag Hasek1 Portia2 Victor Donaldson
Crypt cards subtotal: 85
1 Agate Talisman1 Arcane Appraiser2 Blood of Sandman2 Charismatic Aura1 Ephor2 Eyes of Argus2 Fleetness2 Force of Personality2 Kevlar Vest2 Light Intensifying Goggles2 Mouthpiece2 Perfect Paragon1 Persona Non Grata1 Ponticulus2 Rego Motus1 Scourge of the Enochians2 Steadfastness2 Soul Scan1 Target Retainer2 Torrent2 Villein
Library cards subtotal: 35
Grand total: 120
1 in stock
Power Pulses in the Vein
The descendants of Caine are many, and their blood is diverse. It may infuse a vampire with spiritual hunger, or stony endurance, or the maddening touch of the fae. Bloodlines arise and struggle for power against the entrenched clans. The blood will prevail.
This set is a fixed assortment of 120 cards for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle – 60 library cards and 60 crypt cards of clans Baali, Blood Brothers, Gargoyles, Harbingers of Skulls, Nagaraja and Samedi. All were first created for the original Heirs of Blood expansion 2010, since long out of print and in great demand among players.
Contents are detailed below. The number before each card is the number of copies of that card in the bundle.
BAALI2 Annazir2 Arishat3 Horde, The2 unnamed, The2 Xeper, Sultan of Lepers
BLOOD BROTHERS2 Danylo2 Gavrylo2 Kyrylo2 Pavlo2 Volo
GARGOYLES2 Chaundice2 Fustuk2 Grotesque2 Rusticus2 Malachai
HARBINGERS OF SKULLS2 Alcoan2 Byzar2 La Viuda Blanca2 Mordechai Ben-Nun2 Nicomedes
NAGARAJA2 Anu Diptinatpa2 Asguresh2 Jozz2 Veejay Vinod
SAMEDI2 Angel Chavarria2 Baroque2 Brigitte Mandisa2 Josette2 Morlock1 Toy
Crypt cards subtotal: 60
2 As the Crow1 Blessed Resilience2 Brick by Brick1 Cavalier2 Clockwerx2 Decompose2 Dive Bomb1 Ensconced2 Flames of the Netherworld2 Foldable Machine Gun2 Groaning Corpse2 Hay Ride3 Hive Mind1 Hunger Moon2 I Am Legion1 Infernal Servitor2 Lead Fist2 Momentary Delay2 Off Kilter2 Oppugnant Night1 Path of Service, The2 Pressing Flesh2 Raw Recruit1 Rising, The1 Ritual Scalpel1 Shaal Fragment3 Shatter the Gate2 Slake the Thirst2 Tend the Flock2 Thicker Than Blood2 Under My Skin1 Veneficti2 Wider View2 Voices of the Castle
Library cards subtotal: 60
Grand total: 120
0 in stock
Power Pulses in the Vein
The descendants of Caine are many, and their blood is diverse. It may infuse a vampire with spiritual hunger, or stony endurance, or the maddening touch of the fae. Bloodlines arise and struggle for power against the entrenched clans. The blood will prevail.
This set is a fixed assortment of 120 cards for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle – 64 library cards and 56 crypt cards of clans Ahrimanes, Daughters of Cacophony, Kiasyd, Salubri, Salubri antitribu and True Brujah. All were first created for the original Heirs of Blood expansion 2010, since long out of print and in great demand among players.
Contents are detailed below. The number before each card is the number of copies of that card in the bundle.
AHRIMANES2 Darlene Killian2 Dovey Ebfwe2 Helen Fairchild2 Sahana2 Sylvie Helgon
DAUGHTERS OF CACOPHONY2 Evil Jensen2 Harlan Graves2 Hillanvale2 Janet Langer2 Scout Youngwood
KIASYD2 Arcadian, The2 Greer Worder2 Isanwayen2 Myrna Goldman2 Nitidas
SALUBRI2 Obaluaye2 Matthew2 Nahum Enosh2 Serenna the White
SALUBRI ANTITRIBU2 Ariel2 Azrael2 Qawiyya el-Ghaduba2 Silas2 Uriel
TRUE BRUJAH2 Al-Muntathir, God’s Witness2 Lydia, Grand Praetor2 Mikael Birkholm2 Shalmath
Crypt cards subtotal: 56
2 Ailing Spirit, The1 Amulet of Temporal Perception1 Benefit Performance1 Black Beast, The1 Blessing of the Beast2 Charge of the Buffalo1 Cheat the Fates1 Code of Samiel1 Command Performance1 Dabbler2 Dagger2 Death Seeker1 Draeven Softfoot2 Ears of the Hare2 Faerie Wards1 Fanfare For Elysium2 Gift of Sleep1 Great Symposium2 Gremlins1 Harmony2 Hide the Heart1 Joumlon’s Axe1 Journal of Hrorsh1 Lily Prelude2 Lord of Serenity2 Loving Agony1 Member of the Entourage2 Mole’s Tunneling2 Morphean Blow1 New Moon Sigil2 Outside the Hourglass1 Path of Harmony, The2 Penitent Resilience2 Pocket Out of Time2 Safe Passage1 Scarlet Lore4 Shattering Crescendo2 Spirit Claws1 Tinglestripe1 Vaticination2 Virtuosa1 Visionquest
Library cards subtotal: 64
Grand total: 120
1 in stock
The VTES 5th Edition (5th) is the 23rd expansion of the trading card game Vampire: The Eternal Struggle, which has been released by Black Chantry on November 30th, 2020. The expansion is a boxed set consisting of 5 starter decks (ready-to-play decks), a new rulebook as well as blood counters (on cardboard). The pre-constructed decks consists of the usual 12 crypt and 77 library cards.
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Fifth Edition is a boxed set with five preconstructed decks, rulebook, blood counters and everything else you need to play the game.
5 starter decks each containg 89 cards.Card counteres and edge token.Full colour introductory rulebook.
0 in stock
50 brown sleeves per pack.
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