October 1888: During the construction of the Metropolitan Police headquarters near Whitehall, which would later be known as Scotland Yard, the remains of a body were found. In September, a severed arm had already been discovered in the muddy shore of the River Thames. There is another murderer roaming the streets of London in Whitehall, amusing himself by spreading the pieces of a poor woman around Whitehall, like some kind of macabre treasure hunt. The identity of this monster and his unfortunate victim are a mystery, the Whitehall Mystery. 2-4 players Ages 12 to adult 75 minutes playing time  
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The Kingdom is in need of a new Master Builder, and you are among those vying for the prestigious post. Recruit local citizens and use their unique expertise to outwit your rivals. Only the most majestic metropolis will earn its creator the coveted title of Master Builder! This revised edition of Citadels retains the signature bluffing and intrigue of Bruno Faidutti’s celebrated classic, condensing all the published content into a travel-friendly version at an unbeatable price. A game of intrigue awaits!
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In Citadels, players take on new roles each round to represent characters they hire in order to help them acquire gold and erect buildings. The game ends at the close of a round in which a player erects their seventh building. Players then tally their points, and the player with the highest score wins. The Deluxe edition of Citadels includes twenty-seven characters - eight from the original Citadels, ten from the Dark City expansion, and nine new ones - along with thirty unique building districts, and the rulebook includes six preset lists of characters and districts beyond the starter list, each crafted to encourage a different style and intensity of gameplay. 2-8 Players 45 minutes playing time Ages 10 to adult
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First published in 2000, The Lord of the Rings: The Board Game has been a seminal classic and an iconic tabletop retelling of J.R.R. Tolkien’s trilogy, created by world renowned game designer, Reiner Knizia, and brought to life with the stunning artwork of John Howe. Twenty years later, the game returns to print in a brand-new anniversary edition—a faithful recreation that now includes beautifully sculpted plastic miniatures for the hobbits, Sauron, the threat die, and the One Ring. The Lord of the Rings: The Board Game Anniversary Edition is the definitive edition of this classic cooperative board game, challenging you and up to four other players to play through the entire trilogy, from the long darkness of Moria and the ferocious battles beneath the walls of Helm’s Deep, to the shadows of Shelob’s Lair and the dusty grey wastes of Mordor. In every location, you and your fellow Hobbits must push forward, battling the forces of the Dark Lord and marching ever closer to the Cracks of Doom and the destruction of the One Ring. The road is long, the Eye of Sauron is watchful, and the threat of the Ring’s corruption is ever-present. Can you save the Free Peoples of Middle-earth and destroy the One Ring?
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You awaken with a splitting headache and no idea of how you got here. The wilderness stretches in every direction, and something howls in the distance. Your quest for answers will have to wait; first, you need to survive. Will you help the others that are stranded here or will you save yourself at any cost?  When two to four players find themselves marooned in the harsh wilderness, you must cooperate and compete to search for water, food, and tools that will be essential to your very survival. But your adventure holds many secrets. Every copy of Discover: Lands Unknown is unlike any other in the world. A mix of environments, storylines, characters, locations, items, and enemies have been engineered to tell a story unique to every copy of the game thanks to an algorithm that ensures no two copies are alike. Your copy will contain various tiles, cards, and tokens, each pulled from a shared pool of components, and the combination will be different from every other copy in the world.  1-4 playersAges 10 to adult1-2 hours playing time
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Choose your Clan, prepare for battle, and fight for control of powerful crystals in crystal clans! in crystal clans, players go to battle with unique armies, seeking to outmaneuver their opponents and lead their Squad to victory.   Six clans stand ready to battle for dominance, including the adaptable water Clan, the peaceful flower Clan, the relentless skull Clan, the innumerable blood Clan, the wise meteor Clan, and the unyielding stone Clan. It will take all your cunning to fulfill your Destiny and seize control of the crystals in crystal clans!.   2-players Ages 10 to adult 30-60 minutes playing time
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Venture into the far north and combat ancient American horrors in Omens of Ice, an expansion for the cooperative dice game Elder Sign. Deep in the Alaskan wilderness Ancient Ones are awakening whose diabolical forces cannot be fought within the safe confines of the Arkham Museum. You must brave the Tundra, solve the mysteries of native Inuit traditions, and make the treacherous ascent up the mountains of the Alaska Range. There, wild animals and monsters are far from the only dangers you'll encounter, for frostbite and starvation are among the Ancient Ones' deadliest weapons. Omens of Ice features a complete deck of sixty Alaskan Adventure cards. They open up locations across that frozen territory, where three new Ancient Ones threaten to awaken, and a new deck of Mythos cards makes midnight more terrifying than ever. For the first time in Elder Sign, the season matters as much as the time of day, and you can choose whether to take up your quest in the summer sun or, for a greater challenge, the winter dark. Eight additional investigators contribute their abilities to the struggle against evil, and new Allies, Spells, Common Items and Unique Items help you prevent the freezing of the entire Earth.
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The struggle against the Ancient Ones spreads out of the museum and into the haunted city of Arkham in the Gates of Arkham expansion for Elder Sign. Adventures take place in over twenty locations including Velma’s Diner and the Curiositie Shoppe, Arkham Asylum and the Uninvited Isle. Meanwhile, gates to Other Worlds open throughout Arkham, destabilizing time and space.  Four new Ancient Ones threaten humanity and eight new investigators join the quest for elder signs. Investigators can also now acquire skills that give them lasting advantages. Memberships in either the brutal Sheldon Gang or the mysterious Silver Twilight Lodge help investigators complete tasks and grant them added rewards. It will take all the skills, resources, strength, and sanity you can muster to prevent the Ancient Ones from awakening - and to stay alive in the rough streets of Arkham.
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Designed by Richard Launius, the creator of Arkham Horror, the Grave Consequences expansion for Elder Sign introduces fifty new cards in three modular decks: Phobia, Epic Battle, and Epitaph. Phobia cards give investigators lasting negative effects. Epitaph cards build a tiny graveyard for the fallen. Epic Battle cards ramp up the difficulty and danger when battling the Ancient One. All three of these decks and their cards can be used together or separately, and they're all fully compatible with the core game, as well as all of its expansions. Whether you use one deck, or all of them, you'll find they increase the challenge and drama of your Elder Sign adventure. Even more, they'll immerse you more deeply into its world and help you connect more fully to the investigator that you're playing.
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Based on the best-selling novel series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin, A Game of Thrones: The Board Game Second Edition lets 3-6 players take control of the great houses of Westeros in an epic struggle to claim the Iron Throne.    The updated second edition brings a host of enhancements to your A Game of Thrones experience. It incorporates elements from previous expansions, including ports, garrisons, Wildling cards, and Siege engines, while introducing welcome new innovations. Convenient player screens will hide your underhanded dealings from prying eyes, while new Tides of Battle cards convey the uncertainty of war. This, along with updated graphics and a clarified ruleset, means the time has never been better to claim the Iron Throne.     A Game of Thrones: The Board Game Second Edition includes:  1 Rulebook and 1 Game Board  138 Plastic Units  105 Cards  6 Player Screens  266 Tokens and Overlays
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There’s a monster abroad in the streets of Whitechapel district, moving quietly and unnoticed through the smog and mire of industry. Each night, he kills again, and each night, the police race to close the net before the killer can escape. By morning, another letter is found in Whitechapel, taunting the Chief of Police and signed by “Jack the Ripper.” The days are growing short. Time is running out for the police to catch the killer before he disappears into the twisted alleys and winding streets of Whitechapel… You’ve already experienced the battle of wits between the policemen and Jack the Ripper in the cat-and-mouse struggles of Letters from Whitechapel. Now, you’ll gain a host of new variants for the game with the Dear Boss expansion! Within this expansion, you’ll find three modular decks to aid the policemen or Jack, alongside rules for tweaking the balance of the game until it’s perfect, no matter which side your group favors. Twelve beautifully sculpted plastic miniatures invite you to replace the Policemen, Jack, and Wretched pawns from the base game. Finally, every inch of Dear Boss is overflowing with historical detail, giving you even more insight into the lives of the men and women who played out this tragedy in 1888. 
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In the game of thrones, knowledge is as powerful a weapon as Valyrian steel or dragonsfire. Without wielding swords, ambitious characters likeTyrion Lannister, Petyr Baelish, and Olenna Tyrell successfully navigate deadly political upheavals and wars. What you know can benefit you, and even cripple your opponents, but in the words of Petyr Baelish,  what we don't know is what usually gets us killed.   Game of Thrones : The Trivia Game lets you use your knowledge to compete for the Iron Throne. You and your friends answer questions about the first four seasons of the hit HBO series in order to conquer key locations in Westeros. Whoever controls the most locations in the Seven Kingdoms wins! Choose more difficult questions to immediately gain more control over a location, accumulate resources to earn the favor of iconic characters, and cunningly make and break alliances with other players. Questions are organized by season to ensure that your game is free from spoilers. With over 1,200 questions included, you are certain to find fresh challenges and learn new details about Westeros with every game.  2-12 playersAges 18 to adult30-60 minutes playing time
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Everything's fair in the pursuit of profit New Angeles is a board game of corporate greed and machinations for four to six players set in the Android universe. You and your friends each gain control of one of the worlds' most powerful megacorporations. Then you use your wealth and influence to create more wealth and more influence. Make piles of money, outperform the competition, and you'll be a winner. To do this, you'll cut deals and forge temporary alliances. You'll leverage your credits and maneuver for valuable assets. All the while, you'll also need to keep an eye toward the masses, striking deals with the other corps as necessary in order to keep a lid on crime, disease, and unrest. If you want to maximize your profit, after all, you need to keep New Angeles open for business!
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It is 1926, and the museum's extensive collection of exotic curios and occult artifacts poses a threat to the barriers between our world and the elder evils lurking between dimensions. Gates to the beyond begin to leak open, and terrifying creatures of increasing strength steal through them. Animals, the mad, and those of more susceptible minds are driven to desperation by the supernatural forces the portals unleash. Only a handful of investigators race against time to locate the eldritch symbols necessary to seal the portals forever. Only they can stop the Ancient One beyond from finding its way to Earth and reducing humanity to cinders.  Elder Sign is a fast-paced, cooperative dice game of supernatural intrigue for one to eight players by Richard Launius and Kevin Wilson, the designers of Arkham Horror. Players take the roles of investigators racing against time to stave off the imminent return of the Ancient One. Armed with tools, allies, and occult knowledge, investigators must put their sanity and stamina to the test as they adventure to locate Elder Signs, the eldritch symbols used to seal away the Ancient Ones and win the game.
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