MTG Holiday Commander

1:00pm, Wednesday 3rd January, 2024

The holiday season is here! But Commander doesn't stop, so while HM goes to shorter hours, we'll be running our Commander event at 12pm during the holidays on Wednesday Dec 28 and Jan 3 & 10.

Holidays Commander consists of two rounds, the first starting at 12pm and the second round starting on the dot at 2pm. Players are encouraged to arrive for the 12pm round, but if you’re late just give us a call and we can slot you in for the second round, no problem at all.

Commander Club is a time honoured tradition of Hobbymaster played on Wednesday nights. Players are sorted into pods of 3-4 players and play against decks featuring cards from all across the timeline of Magic: The Gathering!

Commander is a format which allows players to select a Legendary creature to be the general of their 100 card deck.

Wednesday Holidays Commander

Format: MTG Commander

Start time: 1pm

Entry: $8

Prizes: Every player gets one Hobbymaster ticket for playing in the event, and adds $2 worth of prizes to our prize pots that are given out with every standard set release to players who build around the new commanders.

Note: Proxy cards are not accepted at MTG Wednesday Commander as it is a sanctioned event under Wizards guidelines.

Resources (click the links below!):

Commander Format Description

Commander Special Rules, Banlist and Other Resources:

Find cards common to your Commanders

Hobbymaster MTG Commander Club Group

Auckland Commander Players Group