FaB Armory – Olympia

7:00pm, Tuesday 30th April, 2024
Join in on the amazing and locally produced TCG Flesh and Blood at Hobby Master each Tuesday night at Armory.
For this month's Armory we are running Classic Constructed format so please bring a CC deck. If players wish to, we can run Draft format using the new Bright Lights set instead, but we ask you to bring your CC deck either way.
For this month's Armory we are running Classic Constructed format so please bring a CC deck. If players wish to, we can run Draft format using the new Bright Lights set instead, but we ask you to bring your CC deck either way.
Draft or Classic Constructed
Start Time: 7pm
Registration fee: $10 – CC OR $25 - Draft (draft includes 3x Heavy Hitters booster packs)
PRIZES: 1 HM ticket per player will be added to the prize pool for the night. Prize pool distribution: players that go 3:0 will receive 50% of the prize pool, players that go 2:1 will receive 50% of the prize pool.
We will be making use of our Armory Kit support on FaB Tuesdays:
- 1st Place on the night will be awarded a 'cold foil' promo card, a Monstrous Veil or Prized Galea. In the rare case of a tie for first, the card set will be randomly allocated to a top player.
- Top places: Top 8 players will be awarded one an Extended Art Rainbow Foil card, Battered Not Broken, Slap-Happy, or Take it on the Chin
- Playmat Giveaways: In addition, we have two playmats to give away this season, Olympia, Prized Fighter People's Champion playmat on the first and last armory of the month.