MTG: Kaldheim Pre-release - Friday 7:00pm

7:00pm, Friday 29th January, 2021

COVID LEVELS: Click here for more information about Covid Levels at Hobby Master.

Khaldheim pre-release is Friday 29th to Sunday 31th January 2021

This is your first chance to get at the cards in the set. Come and share in the experience with thousands of Magic: The Gathering players from around the world.

By entering in the event, each player will receive a pre-release kit containing 6 Kaldheim boosters to make a sealed deck. You may use the promotional foil included in that deck if they so wish.


Friday - 7pm - Prerelease Flight

Format: MTG Swiss - 3 round Sealed

Early-Bird Entry Fee: $40 (includes your pre-release kit containing 6 Kaldheim boosters to make a sealed deck) – $45 on the day

Prizes: Players that go 2-1 get 2 Hobbymaster Tickets, players that go undefeated (3-0) get 5 Hobbymaster Tickets. All participants get 1 booster.

Due to limited pre-release packs, please pre-register for your games to avoid disappointment.

Please ensure you are there at least ten minutes before the event starts to avoid any hassle.


All Hobby Master Kaldheim Pre-release Events Tickets:

Friday 29 January

Saturday 30 January

Sunday 31 January


A Wizard's of the Coast account required to play in the event. Please make sure to have one prepared, or to come in at least half an hour before the event to set one up.

Additionally players with the MTG Companion app may sign up early for the event using the following code: V583N6

Set Booster boxes of Kaldheim can be picked up along with the Buy-a-Box promo over this weekend, as well as any new available releases.